Mudaraba 100 days Term Deposit is a special type of term deposit where client will get attractive profit after maturity.

Key Features:

  • Mudaraba 100 days Term Deposit is a special type of term deposit where client will get attractive profit after maturity.
  • Minimum deposit amount is Tk.09.00 lac.
  • Provisional profit rate (Retail: 9.50% Corporate: 9.00%)
  • Profit calculated on daily basis.
  • Schedule of Charges, Taxes, Excise Duty and other terms and conditions will be applicable.


Required Documents:

  • 2 copies photograph of Client.
  • 1 copy photograph of nominee duly attested by Client.
  • Identification proof like NID/Passport/Birth Certificate of Client.
  • Identification proof like NID/Passport/Birth Certificate of Nominee.
  • TIN Certificate of Client (if any).
  • Documents/Information related with sources of fund (if any).