Union Bank PLC was incorporated (No.C-107837/13) in Bangladesh on 07 March 2013 as a banking company under Companies Act 1994. The Bank is one of the interest-free Shariah based banks in the country and its modus-operandi are substantially different from other conventional Banks. It obtained permission from Bangladesh Bank on 10 March 2013 to commence its business (Ref: BRPD (P-3)/745(60)/2013-1153). Presently the Bank carries banking activities under Islamic Shariah prevailing in the country.
Deposits (As on December 31, 2022)
Total Investment and Advance (As on December 31, 2022)
Export (As on December 31, 2022)
Shareholder's Equity (As on December 31, 2022)
Remittance (As on December 31, 2022)
Import (As on December 31, 2022)
Credit Rating Status
Total Assets (2022)