Message From The Chairman

Dear Esteemed Clients, Valued Shareholders and Dedicated Colleagues,

I am thrilled to talk to you as the Chairman of Union Bank PLC. We're at an exciting point in our bank's journey and I want to share our plans and dreams with you.

Our Big Plan: At Union Bank, we're doing more than just everyday banking. We're building something special that follows Shariah banking rules. Our strategy to diversify our portfolio in both retail and wholesale markets, and our focus on SMEs and women entrepreneurs, are testament to our commitment to financial inclusivity and empowerment.

Compliance as Our Backbone: We take rules very seriously, especially those from Bangladesh Bank. By rigorously adopting and complying with core risk management guidelines, we are not only safeguarding our operations but also fortifying the trust you place in us.

Banking for Everyone: Our approach to general banking is innovative and customer-centric. We are expanding our presence, reaching the unbanked in urban & rural areas and introducing low-cost & no-cost deposit schemes. We are committed to sustainable practices, while also fulfilling our corporate social responsibilities.

Excelling in Corporate Services: In the realm of corporate services, our focus is on maximizing foreign currency business through exports and remittances. The implementation of a central online banking system signifies our move towards digitalization, ensuring efficiency and security. Our goal is to build a strong financial foundation, prioritizing stability over mere profit.

Our Promise to You: As we go forward, we promise to keep working hard, coming up with new ideas and being a bank you can count on. We want to make a real difference in your lives and in our country.

Let's take this journey together and create a bright future for everyone. Your support and trust mean the world to us. Your belief in us fuels our passion to achieve greater heights.

Best wishes,

Professor Dr. Md. Salim Uddin FCA FCMA

Chairman, Union Bank PLC